- Project developed for the Sustainable Design Master's course: 'Material Narratives' -
WHAT? Mycelium-based circular packaging for essential rose oil.
HOW? Using the Material Driven Design methodology I used discarded rose petal as a substrate to create a mycelium-based composite packaging proposal. Additional material explorations where developed using other types of byproducts such as agricultural waste (straw, manure, seeds, barley)
- Proyecto desarrollado para curso en el Máster en Diseño Sostenible: 'Narrativas Materiales' -
¿QUÉ? Envase circular a base de micelio para aceite esencial de rosas.
¿CÓMO? Utilizando la metodología Material Driven Design, utilicé pétalos de rosa desechados como sustrato para crear una propuesta de empaque compuesto a base de micelio. Se desarrollaron exploraciones de materiales adicionales utilizando otro tipo de subproductos de residuos agrícolas (paja, estiércol, semillas, cebada) 
Design Proposal: Rose essential oil packaging made from discarded rose petals and mycelium composite
Design Proposal: Rose essential oil packaging made from discarded rose petals and mycelium composite
Experimentations with rose petals
Experimentations with rose petals
Block shape made of cow manure and mycelium composite
Block shape made of cow manure and mycelium composite
Agro waste substrate composites: Hay, Barley and Cow manure
Agro waste substrate composites: Hay, Barley and Cow manure
Recipient shape made of cow manure and mycelium composite
Recipient shape made of cow manure and mycelium composite
First aproximations to a solid material, made of hemp fiber and inoculated grain mixed with coffee grounds
First aproximations to a solid material, made of hemp fiber and inoculated grain mixed with coffee grounds
Molding stage: growing the mycelium in a recipient-type container, currently waiting to see results
Molding stage: growing the mycelium in a recipient-type container, currently waiting to see results
Flat molding for a expected textile behavior, currently waiting for final growth to check results
Flat molding for a expected textile behavior, currently waiting for final growth to check results
Multiple samples
Multiple samples
Experiencial map
Experiencial map
Project roadmap
Project roadmap
Experimentation Methodology
Experimentation Methodology
Lifecycle proposal
Lifecycle proposal
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